Tips for Optimizing Your Linux Dedicated Server for Better Performance

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Before entering to know about Linux server, we can get into small introduction of types of hosting

There are four Main Types of Web Hosting

Shared Hosting
Cloud Hosting
VPS Hosting
Dedicated hosting

Linux server

A Linux server consists of Linux, a family of free, open source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel.It is frequently the technology of choice for cloud infrastructures and web developers.

Linux uses an advanced technique known as kernel preemption which allows the operating system to make realtime decisions when dealing with processes that are consuming too much CPU time.When running applications on servers where latency is important, it is recommended that any potential bottlenecks be identified and removed before attempting any tuning changes.Linux dedicated servers with SSD storage for faster performance

There are various servers available in the market , but best dedicated server is linux by most of the users and here are the tops tips to optimize your linux server.

2.Database Optimization
3.Content Delivery Network
4.Decrease Your CSS and JavaScript Files
5.Optimize Image Sizing
6.Use Fewer Plugins
7.Taking Advantage of Prefetching

In order to offer high performance and availability,Optimizing your server environment will help ensure smooth operation of your applications

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